Monday, March 26, 2012

Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker Suite Op. 71a

I choose this song, because the mood is soft and it isn't harsh. When I listen to this song, I feel a sense of freedom and that I can move freely. This song has no words in it, so it is really easy to listen to and easy to pay attention to. When I listen to it, I loose myself in the song. Most people have heard this song in the Ballet the Nutcracker. I have seen this song in the Ballet, but I think that it has more feeling listening to the song with out the dancing. I choose to capture the feeling in photos with various movements that I feel match the song. It looks like ballet, but actually it is random movements that were put together.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photo #1
1. Cinema Scope- with letter box
2. HDR-is- radius: 58, strength: 600%, fade: 47%
3. Sephia: Fade 0%
Original Photo
Photo #2
1. Posterize- Number of colors: 26, detail: 80%, fade: 45%
2. Duo-tone- Brightness: 50%, contrast: 535, fade: 44%
3. 1960's- Fade: 45%, no rounded corners
Photo # 1
1. Waterfall- rotation: 0, fade: 0%
2. Adjustable threshold- Black threshold: 0.46, black threshold: 0.5, advanced modes: Darken, fade, 0%
Original Photo
Photo #2
1. Black and white- fade: 48%
2. Holga-ish- bluredges: 97%, grain- 76%, face 38%
3. Cross Process- fade: 19%
4. Posterize- Number of colors: 6, detail: 1%, fade:0%
Photo #1
1. Lomo-ish- Blur edges: 50%, fade: 0%
2. Gritty- darkness: 40%, fade: 0%
3. HDR-ish- Radius: 20, strength: 200%, fade: 0%
4. 1960's- fade: 20%, no rounded corners
5. Texture- 1st option, fade: 20%
6. Film Grain- amount: 82%, Dark
Original Photo